Mrs. Demko's Calendar

Unifying Principles, Big Ideas, Standards

Unifying Principles:
#1- Heat energy inside Earth and radiation from the Sun provide energy for the Earth's processes.
#2- Physical Forces such as gravity, affect the movement of all matter on Earth and throughout the universe.
#3- Matter and energy move among Earth's rocks and soil, atmosphere, waters, and living things.
#4- Earth has changed over time and continues to change.

Big Ideas:
Modern Technology has changed the way we view and map Earth.
Minerals are basic building blocks of Earth.
Rocks change into other rocks over time.
Natural forces break rocks apart and form soil, which supports life.
Wind, Water, and ice shape Earth's surface.

Students will understand that minerals have specific, quantifiable, properties.

Students will understand that igneous, metamorhpic, and sedimentary rocks have unique characteristics that can be used for identification and/or classification.

Students will understand that igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks form in different ways.

Students will understand that soil is unconsolidated material that contains nutrient matter and weathered rock

Students will understand that rocks, minerals, and soils have common and practical uses.

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